• James Wassinger
  • Posts
  • 💯 Get an Emailed Report of Azure Subscriptions With A Low Azure Security Score

💯 Get an Emailed Report of Azure Subscriptions With A Low Azure Security Score

For Better Tracking and Reporting, View this Step-by-Step Guide to Set up Your Own Emailed Report of Azure Subscriptions with a Low Azure Security Score.


This article outlines how I created an emailed report that displays Azure subscriptions with a Microsoft Defender for Cloud Security Score below the recommended 80%.


After completing this step-by-step guide, you will create a process for reporting Azure subscriptions with a security score below 80%. The process results are shown below.

⚠️ Note: The results show a 100% score for testing and display purposes.


  • A minimum of one Azure subscription

  • Enable Microsoft Defender for Cloud

  • A domain name (Used for sending email with Sendgrid)


Here are the technical step-by-step instructions for deploying this process in your environment.

Create an Entra ID Application Registration

Open the Azure portal.

From the left-side menu, select Microsoft Entra ID.

From the left-side menu of Microsoft Entra ID, select Application Registrations.

Select new registration.

On the Register an application screen, enter the Name: Azure Security Score Monitor, and press Register at the bottom.

Copy the Application (client) ID and Directory (tenant) ID for later use

Select Certificates and Secrets from the left-side menu.

Select New client secret, name the secret AzureSecurityMonitor, select 24 months, click Add, and copy the secret value for later use.

Select API permissions and remove the default User.Read permissions. These default permissions are not required.

Using Access Control (IAM), assign the Reader role to the Azure Security Score Monitor Entra ID Application Registration at the subscription or management group scope for the resources you want to monitor.

Create an Azure Resource Group

Select Resource groups from the left-side menu of the Azure Portal.

Select Create to create a new resource group.

On the Create a resource group page:

  • Select the subscription

  • Resource group name: rg-SecurityScoreMonitor

  • Select a region

  • Click Review + Create

Create an Azure Log Analytics Workspace

On the Create Log Analytics workspace page, enter the name la-ascscoreemonitor and click Review + Create.

Create an Azure Key Vault

On the Create a Key Vault page, the the below information and Click Next.

  • Key vault name: kv-ascscoremonitor

  • Region: Select your resource group region

  • Pricing tier: Standard

On the Access configuration page, leave the default Azure rule-abased access control (recommended) selected and click Next.

On the Networking page, select the following options and click Review + Create.

  • Public network Access Enabled

  • Allow access from Selected Networks

  • Exception: Check to Allow trusted Microsoft services to bypass this firewall.

Navigate to the newly created Key Vault. On the kv-ascscoremonitor page, click on Networking and add your client’s IP address. You can use this resource to find your client’s IP address: https://whatismyipaddress.com/.

Select Access Control (IAM) from the left-side menu and assign your account the Key Vault Administrator rule. ⚠️This assignment is temporary.

From the left-side menu, click on Secrets. Click on the Generate/Import to create a secret.

  • Name: tenant-id

  • Secret value: Enter the tenantId copied from the application registration step.

  • Click create.

  • Repeat this to add the client-id and client-secret to the key vault.

After adding the application Registration values to the Key Vault, remove your username from the Access Control (IAM) and your IP address from the Networking section.

Create an Azure Logic App

Enter the information below on the Create Logic App page and click Review + Create.

  • Logic app name: logic-ascscoremonitor

  • Publish: Workflow

  • Region: Select your resource group region.

  • Enable log analytics: No

  • Plan Consumption

Open the new Logic app and select Identity from the left-side menu. Toggle the status to On, click Save, and then Yes.

Assign the Logic App Permissions to Access the Key Vault

Open the Key Vault kv-ascscoremonitor, and from the left-side menu, select Access Control (IAM).

Click Add, and Add role assignment. Select the Key Vault Secrets User role. Uder members, select Managed Identity and choose the logic app identity. Press Review + Assign.

Setup Resource Diagnostic Settings

Key Vault

From the kv-ascscoremonitor Key Vault page, select Diagnostic settings from the left-side menu, click Add diagnostic setting, enter KV Security Monitor Settings in the Diagnostic setting name field, select allLogs and AllMetrics, select Send to Log Analytics workspace, and click Save.

Logic App

From the logic-ascscoremointor Logic App page, select Diagnostic settings from the left-side menu, click Add diagnostic setting, enter Logic Security Monitor Settings in the Diagnostic setting name, select allLogs and AllMetrics, select Send to Log Analytics workspace, and then click Save.

Create the Logic App

From the Logic App page, select Logic app designer

Setup the main trigger

From the left-side menu. Click Add a trigger, search for and select Recurrence.

Configure the recurrence. Lets’ check the Security Score of our resources once a week.

  • Interval: 1

  • Frequency: Week

  • Time Zone: select your Time Zone.

  • Start time: enter your desired start time, example, 2024-05-17T08:00:00Z

  • On these days: Monday

  • At these hours: 8

  • At these minutes: 00

Retrieve and store the secrets from the Key Vault

Press the Add an action button, search, and select Get secret. Enter the required information and press Create to create a connection to the Key Vault.

  • Connection name: AzureKeyVault

  • Authentication Type: Managed Identity

  • Vault name: kv-ascscoremonitor

⚠️ There will be an error when you use the dropdown to attempt to select a secret.

Resolve the Logic App Connection to Key Vault

Open the Key Vault, select Logs from the left-side menu, enter in the below query, and press Run.

AzureDiagnostics | where ResultSignature == "Forbidden" or ResultSignature == "Unauthorized" | project CallerIPAddress

Copy all the unique IP addresses, open Networking from the left-side menu, add the IP addresses under Firewall, and press Apply.

Continue the Logic App Design

Return to the Get Secret step, select client-id from the dropdown list, and change the step title to client-id. Repeat the Get secret steps to add a separate step for the tenant-id and client-secret.

Initialize the From email address variable

Add an action, search, and select Initialize variable. Enter the configurations below.

  • Name: FromEmailAddress

  • Type: String

  • Change the title to Int - FromEmailAddress

Initialize the To email addresses variable

Add an action, search, and select Initialize variable. Enter the configurations below.

  • Name: ToEmailAddresses

  • Type: Object

  • Value: See the below JSON code block.

  • Change the step name to Int - ToEmailAddresses

"emailAddresses": "Enter email addresses separated by ;" 

For Example: 
"emailAddresses": "[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]" 

Initialize the email subject variable

Add an action, search, and select Initialize variable. Enter the configurations below.

  • Name: EmailSubject

  • Type: String

  • Value !! Azure Security Score Notification

  • Change the title to Int - EmailSubject

Initialize the subscription name variable

Add an action, search, and select Initialize variable. Enter the configurations below.

  • Name: SubscriptionName

  • Type: String

  • Change the title to Int - SubscriptionName

Initialize the subscription ID variable

Add an action, search, and select Initialize variable. Enter the configurations below.

  • Name: SubscriptionId

  • Type: String

  • Change the title to Int - SubscriptionId

Initialize the score threshold variable

Add an action, search, and select Initialize variable. Enter the configurations below.

  • Name: ScoreThreshold

  • Type: Float

  • Value: 80

  • Change the title to Int - ScoreThreshold

Initialize the score variable

Add an action, search, and select Initialize variable. Enter the configurations below.

  • Name: Score

  • Type: Float

  • Change the title to Int - Score

Initialize the score percentage variable

Add an action, search, and select Initialize variable. Enter the configurations below.

  • Name: Percentage

  • Type: Float

  • Change the title to Int - Percentage

Initialize the CSS styles variable

Add an action, search, and select Initialize variable. Enter the configurations below.

  • Name: ResultsStyle

  • Type: Object

  • Value: See the below code block

  • Change the title to Int - ResultsStyle

"tableStyle": "style=\"border-collapse: collapse; width:100%;\"", 
"theadStyle": "style=\"border: 1px solid #dddddd; text-align: left; padding 8px;\"",
"tdataStyle": "style=\"border: 1px solid #dddddd; text-align: left; padding 8px;\""

Initialize the HTML variable

Add an action, search, and select Initialize variable. Enter the configurations below.

  • Name: Results

  • Type: String

  • Value: See the below code block

  • Change the title to Int - Results

<h2>Azure Subscriptions With A Security Score Below 80%</h2>

<p>The table below shows subscriptions out of compliance with a security score below 80%.</p>
<table [Add Variable]>
<th [Add Variable]>Subscription Name</th>
<th [Add Variable]>Subscription ID</th>
<th [Add Variable]>Security Score %</th>

Change the [Add Variables'] to the below functions:


Table Header

Store Azure subscription information.

Add an action, search, and select List subscriptions. Enter the configurations below.

  • Authentication: Service Principal

  • Connection name: GetSubscriptionInformation

  • Client ID: Enter the ClientId from the Azure Security Score Monitor Application Registration.

  • Client Secret: Enter the Client Secret from the Azure Security Score Monitor Application Registration.

  • Teanant: Enter the TenantId from the Azure Security Score Monitor Application Registration.

  • Press Create New

  • Change the title to Subscriptions

Get the Authorization Token for the MS Graph API Call

Add an action, search, and select HTTP. Add the below configurations.

  • URI: Replace the {{TenantId}} with the tenant-id value. https://login.microsoftonline.com/{{TenantId}}/oauth2/token

  • Method: Post

  • Headers Content-Type | application/x-www-form-urlencoded

  • Body: See the below code block

  • Replace the {{ClientId}} with the client-id value.

  • Replace the {{ClientSecret}} with the client-secret value.

  • Change the title name to Get AuthToken


⚠️ At this point, press Save to save your progress.

Parse the JSON response for the Access Token

Add an action, search, and select Parse JSON.

  • Content : Select Body of the Get AuthToken step.

  • Schema: See the below code block.

  • Change the title to Parse - Get Access Token

    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
        "token_type": {
            "type": "string"
        "expires_in": {
            "type": "string"
        "ext_expires_in": {
            "type": "string"
        "expires_on": {
            "type": "string"
        "not_before": {
            "type": "string"
        "resource": {
            "type": "string"
        "access_token": {
            "type": "string"

Set the SubscriptionName Variable

Add an action, search, and select Set Variable.

  • Name: SeubscriptionName

  • Value: DisplayName of the Subscription

  • Change the title to Set - SubscriptionName

⚡️A ForEach will automatically be created. Change the name of this ForEach to ForEach - Subscription

Set the SubscriptionId Variable

Add an action, search, and select Set Variable.

  • Name: SubscriptionId

  • Value: SubscriptionId of the Subscription.

  • Change the title to Set - SubscriptionId

Setup the Graph API call to get the subscription score for each SubscriptionId.

With in the ForEach, Add an action, search, and select HTTP.

  • URI: See the below code block.

  • Method: Get

  • Headers: Authorization | Bearer {{ AccessToken }}

  • Change the title to Get Subscription Secure Score Data


⚠️ Ensure the URI contains the / after subscription and before providers. After adding the dynamic content these may get removed and cause an error.

Parse the JSON Security Data response

Within the ForEach, add an action, search, and select Parse JSON.

  • Content: Add the Body from the Get Subscription Secure Score Data.

  • Schema: See the below code block.

  • Change the title to Parse - Security Score Data.

    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
        "id": {
            "type": "string"
        "name": {
            "type": "string"
        "type": {
            "type": "string"
        "properties": {
            "type": "object",
            "properties": {
                "displayName": {
                    "type": "string"
                "score": {
                    "type": "object",
                    "properties": {
                        "max": {
                            "type": "integer"
                        "current": {
                            "type": "integer"
                        "percentage": {
                            "type": "integer"
                "weight": {
                    "type": "integer"

Set the Percentage variable

Within the ForEach, add an action, search, and select Set Variable.

  • Name: Percentage

  • Value: Select the Body percentage property of the Parse - Security Score Data

  • Change the title to Set - Percentage

Set the Score variable

Within the ForEach, add an action, select Set Variable.

  • Name: Score

  • Value: See the below code block for the function express to enter.

  • Change the title to Set - Score

mul(float(variables('Percentage')), int(100))

Condition Statement

Within the ForEach, add an action, search, and select Condition.

  • Choose a value (left): Add the score variable.

  • Is less than

  • Choose a value (right): Add the ScoreThreshold variable.

  • Change the title to If Score Is Less Than 80

⚠️ For the Results example the ScoreThreshold variable was changed to 101 to get an email generated. You can change this number to fit your needs as well.

Add the True action with in the Condition statement

Within the True Condition, add an action, search, and select Append to string variable.

  • Name: Select the Results variable.

  • Value: See the below code block.

  • Change the title to Append To Results

<td {{TableDataStyle}}>{{ SubscriptionName }}</td>
<td {{TableDataStyle}}>{{ SubscriptionID }}</td>
<td {{TableDataStyle}}>{{ Score }}%</td>

Replace the corresponding placeholders with the fuction expressions and matching variables.

Replace with the below function expression.


Replace with the below function expression.

formatNumber(float(variables('Score')), 'F2')

Close the HTML

Outside of the ForEach, add an action, search, and select Append to string.

  • Name: Results

  • Value: See the below code block.

  • Change the title to Close Results


<p>If you are responsible for any of the above subscriptions, please review and remediate the security findings for these subscriptions at your earliest convenience. </p>

<p>These security findings can be viewed in the <a href="https://portal.azure.com/#view/Microsoft_Azure_Security/SecurityMenuBlade/~/0">Microsoft Defender for Cloud</a> dashboard.</p>

<p>Please let us know if you need any assistance or have any questions.</p>

<p>Thank you</p>

⚠️ Save the Logic app.

Setup Sendgrid

Within the rg-SecurityScoreMonitor resource group, press Create.

Search and select Twilio Sendgrid. Press Subscribe and Free 100 (2022).

On the subscribe to Twilio Sendgrid page, enter the below information.

  • Ensure the rg-SecurityScoreMonitor resource group is selected.

  • Name: Choose a name, example sendgrid-SecurityScoreMonitor.

Press Review + Create.

Press the Configure account now button to complete the configuration.

Accept the application permissions.

Enter your information, press Get Started.

From the left-side menu select Settings and Sender Authentication.

Press Get Started in the Authenticate Your Domain.

Enter the DNS provider name and select Next.

Enter in your domain, and press Next.

You will need to install the DNS records to complete the process. Once the records have been added to your domain’s DNS press Verify. If the verification is successful, you will receive the below verification message.

From the left-side menu click on Settings, and select API Key.

Press the Create API Key buttion in the upper-right.

Enter Azure Security Score Monitor for the API Key Name, select Restricted Access, select Mail Send, and grant Full Access. Press Create & View.

Copy the API Key for later use.

⚠️ If you see the below warning on your account dashboard, click on the ticket history link and follow the instructions from the ticket titled Status of Your Twilio Sendgrid Account Request. You emails will NOT send until this process is completed.

Complete the Logic App Design

Navigate back to the Log App Designer. Under the last action (Close Results), add an action, search, and select Send email (V4).

  • Connection name: SendGrid

  • Enter the copied API Key, Press Create New.

Complete the email setup

  • From: FromEmailAddress

  • To: Add the below code block function expression for the ToEmailAddresses variable

  • Subject: EmailSubject

  • Body: Results

  • Change the title to Send Results

  • Click Save

  • Click Run


The results should resemble what is found in the Results section.

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